Sunday, November 11, 2012

Here Come The Men In Black (minus Will Smith)

As sightings of the Mothman begin to die down, an enormous influx of UFO sightings and encounters begin to explode in Point Pleasant. With five to twenty calls a night, the local police become overwhelmed. Witnesses report clusters of lights moving in strange patterns across the sky, with frequent sightings near power lines. Other people claim having direct contact with UFOs, seeing their ‘saucer shaped’ craft on highways in broad daylight. Some even had direct contact with extra terrestrials, such in the case of Woody Derenberger, whose famous UFO encounter story is often is related with the Mothman since it occurred during the same time. Click Here for more information about Mr. Derenberger and his encounter.
            As Point Pleasant begins being associated with the UFO phenomenon, the town becomes subject to a plethora of men in black, government-looking agent types who begin to harass the residents of Point Pleasant whom have had contact with UFOs. They were described as dressing in all black, out of date brand new clothing, relatively short and olive colored skin, and driving late model black 1940’s Cadillacs that appeared brand new. These individuals stuck out in a town like Point Pleasant, as well as their odd behavior of seeking out all UFO related stories and attempting to suppress them. (Keel 171)

            Mary Hyre, a journalist for the Athens Messenger based in Ohio and longtime friend and fellow investigator with John Keel, was well known and trusted in the town of Point Pleasant, and credited for first bringing media attention to the Mothman story. Late one evening in her office in Point Pleasant, a mysterious short, olive skinned man dressed in black with large framed glasses and a bowl haircut asks Mary what she would do if someone told her to stop reporting on UFO sightings in the area. While slowly moving closer towards her, the man grabs a pen off her desk and stares at it fascinated. The man then runs out, laughing hysterically. (Keel 13) Click Here to read the passage from the book.

In another instance, several days after the collapse of the Silver Bridge, Mary encounters more mysterious men in black again at her office. Click Here to read the passage from the book.

In another case, the Scarberrys, who witnessed the first official sighting were visited by an unknown visitor roughly a year after the events in Point Pleasant were seen. Click Here to read the passage from the book.


1) Who or what are these men in black? Are they from the government, which is the first assumption one would make, or are they made to look like government agents for the authoritative presence they command?

2) If they are from the government, why do they display such odd behavior and mannerisms when dealing with people who are aware of their irregularities? Does the government really buy into the stereotype of an ominous force of agents fully clad in black from head to toe. Why stick out so much if you're trying to keep something secret?

3) The men in black are only interested in the UFO sightings, nothing else. Does it make more sense to think that these men are associated with the government or are they other worldly beings, posing as authoritative figures which they think will grant them better access in their investigations?

Please post your thoughts on the subject :)


  1. Because John Keel was careful enough to collect witness testimony accurately, we have the names of some of the MIB. All of the named MIB are/were either Project Blue Book officers or AFOSI Mirage Men. Not aliens or ultraterrestrials. This means that air force officers were traveling around doing bizarre things to discredit witnesses who repeated the weird behavior they witnessed. It also means in some cases the air force personnel had knowledge of UFO and cryptid -and cryptid- events "too soon" ie before any press or other public dissemination of knowledge of the event.
