Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mothman Around The World

The Mothman is one of the strangest and unusual phenomenon that has existed in recent history. Sightings have been recorded in numerous places all around the world. Many have been linked with sites of destruction or terrible accidents that have happened which have led many to think that the Mothman is some kind of "dark angel" or prophetic being that only appears around signs of destruction.

            To this day the Mothman is unexplained and probably never will be. There are no concrete amounts of evidence documenting the existence of the Mothman, other then the series of eye-witness testimonies the unilaterally describe the same phenomenon. Many people are led to believe that the events recorded during 1966-67 in Point Pleasant happened for a reason and that the major piece of prophetic evidence is that the Mothman is never seen again after Silver Bridge collapse, prompting several to question why and what the Mothman was about, rather than if or not it indeed appeared. John Keel admits personally getting too close to the phenomenon during his investigation to provide an accurate objective standpoint. He notes that human perception is limited in the ways we perceive what we consider real, noting that throughout all his research of the unexplained, many conceptions of what he traditionally thought as “grounded beliefs” were able to change with introduction of new theories and evidence, thus altering his perception yet again. While evidence suggests that the residents of Point Pleasant were subjected to an array of widely paranormal events, all the claims made by witnesses are still circumstantial, with the only explanation being the oral descriptions.  It comes back to human perception and how we as intellectual beings decide what and how to interpret what we see and hear in the world. Trying to differentiate between Fact and Fiction requires a very open mind when thinking about the Mothman. Judging from the research I’ve done on the topic, I believe that the events of Point Pleasant did in fact happen accordingly, and that the entire mystery sounds too strange to be considered hoax. Furthermore, the real life horrifying details of the Silver Bridge accident prompt me to question more than what I read and hear at first glance. As Keel states toward the end of the book, “Belief has always been the enemy of truth; yet, ironically, if our minds are supple enough, belief can sometimes open the door.” (Keel 267)

 This website lists Mothman sightings that have been submitted by readers all over the world.
Here is a link that connects the Mothman to the famous nuclear disaster at Chernobyl

Here is an article written by John Keel that connects the Mothman to the Native American "Thunderbird" folklore.

Here is a disturbing video I found on YouTube, Apparently some kind of Moth-like creature has landed in Spain. Most of the video is just camera shaking and men speaking in spanish, but the last few seconds will make the hairs stand up on your neck...enjoy!


  1. I have a fresh memory of a Mothman or something look like the creature showing in the movie from 1971 when I was 3 years old but in another country. It happened after midnight, I was sleep, next to my mother but something woke me up, I looked at the window and saw a huge human like bird staring inside, I can't forget it's white glowing eyeballs and it's open mouth floating in the air up and down when moving its wings, I was so scared and hide under the blanket and watched him fly far far away until disappeared but in a blink an eye came back but this time closer to the window, I was so scared and started crying and climbed and rolled over my mother to other side of her next to my father, I am pretty sure that I woke them up because I remember my dad was asking what happened, but I was so scared to talk, in the meantime it did fly away and came back for one last time but didn't stay behind the window then flew away. until this day I haven't talked about that with anyone because to be honest I am not sure that incident ever took a place or it was just a bad dream, but the memory of it is still fresh. Thanks for reading

  2. About the Freiburg mine mothman, there is no record of it in German language. I´ve searched the net to no avail...
